Enrol / Register with

Mahora Medical

Before enrolling with Mahora Medical answer yes to either of the following questions:

I am not enrolled in any other practice in Hawkes Bay

I have recently moved to Hawkes Bay, and unable to get into a primary care centre in Hawkes Bay

Our Values

Mahora Medical is unique standalone Primary Care Provider in Hastings Hawke’s Bay – where there is no corporate involvement. That means your care is truly the focus of what we do.


We accept that we all play a role in the culture of the team – everything we do contributes to our culture.We will work together to create a positive and unified team.


We see diversity of skills, approaches and experiences within our team as a strength which we utilise fully.We believe fun is crucial to performance and well-being.

Future Focused

Our focus is shared between being fully present in the now together with a mind to new possibilities and future opportunities.To continually develop and improve.


We believe in treating patients and staff respectfully and with generosity of thought.

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     Happy Holidays


To our Mahora Medical Whanau:

Mahora Medical is closed for the Christmas period.  

We will reopen again on Monday 30th December.

We will then close for the 1st and 2nd January, and open for normal hours from Friday 3rd January.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency over this time, please dial 111.

If you require urgent medical advice, you can call Healthline on 0800 611 116, or book an online appointment with Practice Plus for a non urgent consultation.

Have a safe and happy holiday with your whanau and community. We look forward to caring for you in 2025!

Your Mahora Medical Care Team 

To our Mahora Medical Whanau:


Unfortunately, Mahora Medical is closed this afternoon Friday 8th November, except for those with pre-booked appointments.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 111.

If you require urgent medical advice, you can call Healthline on 0800 611 116, or book an online appointment with Practice Plus for a non urgent consultation.

We will be open again on Monday. Have a safe weekend. 


Mahora Medical will closed for the holidays from 5pm December 22nd until 8am January 3rd. 

While we are closed you can access our trusted virtual health service, Practice Plus for non urgent consultations.